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Smash Your Way to Fun and Fitness at Do Good Sports Club's Badminton Open Gym!

Smash Your Way to Fun and Fitness at Do Good Sports Club's Badminton Open Gym!

by Chris Tam

2 months ago

Are you looking for a fun way to stay active, meet new friends, and enhance your badminton skills? Do Good Sports Club has the perfect solution for you! We're excited to announce our Badminton Open Gym event open to all ages, providing a fantastic opportunity to engage in this dynamic sport.

Event Details

Date: Saturday, November 23rd, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

          Saturday, November 30th, 4 PM - 7 PM

Location: Encinal Gym, 210 Central Ave., Alameda

Mark your calendars and prepare for an afternoon filled with fast-paced action and exhilarating rallies at Encinal Gym. Whether you're a seasoned player or a complete beginner, this event is designed to cater to all skill levels.

Why Join the Badminton Open Gym?

Participating in Do Good Sports Club's Badminton Open Gym has numerous benefits. Here are just a few reasons why you should join:

  • Boost Your Physical Fitness and Agility

Badminton is a fantastic cardiovascular workout that engages various muscle groups and improves agility. It's a great way to stay fit while having loads of fun.

  • Access to Coaching and Advice

Our coaches will be on-site to offer guidance and tips to help you refine your technique. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from experienced players and elevate your game.

  • Social Interaction and Friendship

The event provides a welcoming environment to connect with fellow students interested in badminton. Make new friends and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with playing a team sport.

  • Learn a New Sport or Refine Your Skills

Whether you're new to badminton or looking to improve your skills, this open gym offers a supportive setting to learn and grow. Challenge yourself and see how much you can achieve!

How to Register

Ready to join the fun? Registering is easy! Click here to complete the online registration form. The registration fee is just $8. Remember that slots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis to ensure a high-quality experience for all participants.

Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in an exciting event combining fitness, fun, and friendships. We can't wait to see you at the Badminton Open Gym!

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or for additional information. Let's smash some birdies and make this event unforgettable!