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About Us

Our Mission

Do Good Sports Club provides children with affordable or free access to sports resources like equipment, coaching and transportation, aiming to include those who may otherwise be excluded from organized sports due to financial constraints.

With the help of schools in Alameda County, we have been able to reach out to eligible students and their families to offer enriching programs that teach fundamental sports skills, reinforce healthy habits, and reward hard work. Our sports programs supplement the school district’s academic programs by continuing to build life skills that will benefit students through adulthood. Participants will have the opportunity to try new sports and learn how to balance academic responsibility with extracurricular activities.

Do Good Sports also partners with speakers and leaders in the sports community to hold and offer events and opportunities. The events and opportunities aim to further motivate, encourage and broaden confidence and life skills in today’s youth.

We are working with school districts to not only give students access to sports, but also to encourage students to help build community and help others in our community.

Do Good Sports Programs - What we offer.

  • Free transportation
  • Tutor support as needed
  • Equipment 
  • Opportunity to become a mentor


     Free chess sets, free subscriptions, and chess lessons.


  • Free Saturday Golf Clinics
  • Middle School Golf League
  • Mental Training