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Mentor Request

Is your elementary or middle school student interested in golf, chess, lacrosse, or soccer? Look no further! At Do Good Sports Club, our team of coaches and youth mentors provide instruction and guidance in a positive and encouraging  environment. We believe giving youth participants these opportunities helps build confidence for a healthy and happy future.

Our chess mentors are skilled players who can teach you the intricacies of the game, from opening moves to endgame strategies. With their guidance, you'll develop your analytical skills and become a formidable chess player.

Our golf mentors are a mix of professional players, coaches, and youth mentors who have honed their skills on the green. They teach techniques to help improve swing, and guide them towards becoming a confident golfer.

Our lacrosse mentors are experienced players, coaches, and youth mentors provide instruction in the fundamentals of the game, from passing and catching to shooting and defending. 

Soccer is a popular sport that requires teamwork and agility. Our soccer mentors are seasoned players, coaches, and youth mentors who can help improve your child's dribbling, passing, and shooting skills. They will also teach tactical strategies to excel on the field and become a well-rounded soccer player.

At Do Good Sports Club, we believe that having a mentor is crucial for sports development. Our mentors will not only teach the technical aspects of your child's chosen sport but also instill the important values such as discipline, sportsmanship, and perseverance.

Whether they're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an advanced player aiming to take their skills to the next level, our mentors are here to support and guide them every step of the way.

Take the first step towards finding your perfect sports mentor by exploring our mentorship programs today. We offer flexible schedules and personalized training sessions to cater to your individual needs. Join Do Good Sports Club and embark on an exciting sports journey with the guidance of our expert mentors! Simply fill out the form below.